Be You!
Most importantly, what you wear to your session should be something you are comfortable in. It should also be a reflection of your style and who you are! Clothes and accessories are great tools to use when expressing your personality.
Are you girly? Use jewelry, delicate fabrics and soft colors to your advantage.
Are you casual? Maybe go for jeans and a solid shirt. For guys, add a flannel print collar shirt underneath to show a subtle hint of color. For ladies, use a necklace or scarf to bring in additional color or pattern.
Do you love to dress up? Show off in a glamorous gown or dapper suit! You can even make it a night on the town after your session!
Coordinate & Compliment
No need to “match” colors or tones. Think about using one or two base colors that you love and find coordinating tones. Various shades of one or two colors will look more interesting than everyone in the same outfit. Mix in a few pieces of neutral tones ( beige, grey, black, white) and you’re all set!
If you want to take it back to elementary art class ( which was by far my favorite…), find complimentary colors on the color wheel and build your wardrobe from there!
Also, don’t be shy to add layers, different textures and patterns!
dress for the season or OCCASION
Keep color association in mind when planning your session wardrobe! Deep tones tend to make us think of the cooler months (burgundy, navy, olive green, mustard yellow).
Bright or cheerful colors such as blue, white, coral, sage, lavender, or teal remind us of a warm summer day.
If you’re dressing for your engagement session and want to have the images feel formal, consider a flowy gown, fancy lace, suit jacket or dress shirt.
Having your hair and make-up professional done for your session is highly recommended.
Photo “no-no”
There are just a few things that don’t photograph as successfully or aid in creating a cohesive look for an image. Our Photo No-No’s include:
Florescent colors, thin stripes, graphic designs, sneakers, offensive wording, and wrinkles!
Compliment, Coordinate & Be You!